New paper in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering by recent ERL/CEE MSc alum Majed Almubarak, ERL Research Affiliate John Germaine, and ERL/CEE Prof. Herbert Einstein: "Fracturing Processes in Specimens with Internal vs. Throughgoing Flaws: An Experimental Study Using 3D Printed Materials".
"The fracturing behavior and associated mechanical characterization of rocks are important for many applications in the fields of civil, mining, geothermal, and petroleum engineering. Laboratory testing of rocks plays a major role in understanding the underlying processes that occur on the larger scale and for predicting rock behavior. Fracturing research requires well-defined and consistent boundary conditions. Consequently, the testing design and setup can greatly influence the results. In this study, a comprehensive experimental program using an artificial material was carried out to systematically evaluate the effects of different parameters in rock testing under uniaxial compression. The parameters include compression platen type, specimen centering, loading control method, boundary constraints, and flaw parameters. The results show that these testing conditions have a significant effect on the mechanical behavior of rocks. Using a fixed compression platen helped reduce bulging of the material. Centering of the specimen played a critical role to avoid buckling and unequal distribution of stress. Slower displacement rates can control the energy being released once failure occurs to prevent the specimen from exploding. Also, the frictional end effects were investigated by comparing friction-reduced and non-friction-reduced end conditions. Very importantly, the study also identified variations in crack initiation and propagation between specimens with internal flaws and specimens with throughgoing flaws. This investigation showed that wing cracks appeared in specimens with throughgoing flaws, while wing cracks with petal cracks were associated with the internal flaws. It also showed that the mechanical properties are influenced by the inclination of the flaws and established that specimens with internal flaws generally exhibit higher strength compared to specimens with throughgoing flaws. The systematic analysis presented in this work sheds light on important considerations that need to be taken into account when conducting fracture research and adds knowledge to the fundamental understanding of how fractures occur in nature."