New paper in Advances in Geo-Energy Research by recent MIT ERL/CEE alum Dr. Lluís Saló-Salgado (now a postdoc at Harvard), ERL/CEE Prof. Ruben Juanes, and collaborators from Norwegian research company SINTEF: "Three-dimensional simulation of geologic carbon dioxide sequestration using MRST".
"Physics-based computational modeling of subsurface CO2 migration constitutes the primary tool to assess geologic carbon storage. Such models are often required to plan injection operations and assess hazards such as CO2 migration into units above the storage formation. Here, we present three tools developed to increase fidelity of black-oil type geologic carbon storage models in the open-source MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox. These tools, which are published in the co2lab-mit module, include functionality to: (1) Calculate and output PVT properties of miscible brine and CO2 as a function of pressure, temperature, and salinity; (2) account for relative permeability hysteresis, necessary to model residual trapping; and (3) model CO2 transport due to concentration gradients (molecular diffusion). We validate our implementation with published results including experimental observations, present MRST examples, and conclude with some remarks on applicability, limitations, and potential extensions. Source code and examples are provided."