Computer-Aided Exploration of the Martian Geology

TitleComputer-Aided Exploration of the Martian Geology
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsRongier, G, Pankratius, V
JournalEarth and Space Science
Pagination393 - 407
Date PublishedJan-08-2018

Motivated by growing amounts of data and enhanced resolution from orbiters and rovers, systems for computerā€aided decision support are becoming invaluable in planetary exploration. This article illustrates the value of such systems for a case study on the exploration of the Martian geology, along with improvements in assessing the favorability for landing. Under the current technical status quo for landing and rover's mobility, results show that Eastern Margaritifer Terra and Meridiani Planum stand out due to their high density of scientific targets and flat surfaces. However, our approach allows us to scale the analysis using different scenarios for the entire planet, quantifying the substantial benefits should higher landing elevations and higher rover speeds be realized in the future. This analysis offers new insights into the interplay of technical and scientific constraints.

Short TitleEarth and Space Science